Derek is a Timewaver Specialist, who lives in Hawaii with his family.

In May 2023 I wrote Derek:

„Dear Derek, 

I feel a new program coming through. ✨

Just sat in meditation and I’m about to travel to Portugal tmrw. I‘m about spend 4 days surfing before we gather with our global community. I feel the portal this is going to be.  In meditation I got the message of „richness of life“.

As soon I can put it into words a little more, I text you again.

FEELS BIG! Much love, Steffi“

Little did I know this whole process will take me a year and is going to bring one of the biggest transformations of my life. Reflecting back now on this whole journey, I assure you: GOD / UNIVERSE / LIFE does absolutely know what he/ its doing.

Are you ready to trust it and let your life be transformed in divine order?

The next information I got, were just feelings I tried to put into words:

„It’s a very deep knowing and the frequencies are super strong but soft and flowy the same time. 

It’s a lot of Lemuria and Venus / Goddess Energy, playful like the dolphins and SUPER RICH like the ocean and lots of golden light and also wealth codes and frequencies. 

It does feel like the golden era which wants to be born and the same time ancient Lemurian vibes. Very Aquarian times!“

And from there the journey began. Puzzle piece after puzzle piece. And a year later it got born to the perfect timing in May 2024 as Venus, Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus found themselves in Taurus. Coincidence? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

The Essence of Richness

At its core, "Richness of Life" is about reconnecting with your true self, accessing your higher potential, and tapping into the universal energies that have guided humanity through the ages. This program is a bridge to ancient times, allowing you to harness the knowledge and frequencies that were once a part of the Lemurian civilization, a time when harmony, unity, and spiritual awakening were central to life.

A Connection to Lemurian Times

The program takes inspiration from the Lemurian civilization, a time when the Earth was believed to be infused with a harmonious energy grid. By tuning into these frequencies, you align with the Christ Grid and the Earth's Mary Grid, connecting with the energies that have shaped our planet since ancient times. These frequencies open gateways to realms of intuition, creativity, and spiritual connection, guiding you toward the wisdom that has been encoded in the Earth and its celestial patterns.

Your Path to Transformation

"Richness of Life" isn't just a program; it's an invitation to transform your life. As you work with these frequencies, you'll find yourself experiencing a deeper sense of trust in your journey, a greater harmony with the universe, and an awakening to your own divinity. The program helps you release attachments to the past, embrace your unique path, and connect with your soul's purpose. Whether you're seeking to connect with your higher self, strengthen your intuition, or find peace in the flow of life, this program provides the tools to guide you.


  • Dodecahedron - Element Ether: The dodecahedron is considered the most perfect platonic solid. It opens the multidimensional consciousness that we are and our light body. It refines all senses and unlocks the inner ones. Additionally, it enhances the creative forces within us, connecting us to ourselves and to higher realms, as well as the higher nature of being and the love for all life. It opens up a holistic view of the world and helps us accept our mission on Earth and radiate our light into the world.

    Excursion: The Christ Grid of the Earth: The dodecahedron opens our heart field, connects us to the Christ grid, and helps us stay true to ourselves. It unlocks multidimensional vision and the pattern of creation that extends from the smallest to the greatest. The Christ grid, spanning around the Earth, takes the form of a dodecahedron. It assists us in awakening to new dimensions and levels, recognizing multidimensionality, communicating with higher realms, opening up to love, the true essence of all being, and being in peace.

  • Icosahedron - Element Water: The icosahedron acts as a balancing, harmonizing, clarifying, detoxifying, purifying, opening, cooling, magnetic, absorbing, storing, releasing, dissolving, connecting, and flowing element. It aids in coping with grief, maintaining emotional stability, representing rhythms, cycles, balancing opposing currents, harmonizing relationships, and creating or breaking connections. It opens gates to the realms of water and ancestors. Additionally, it enhances clairvoyance and telepathy.

    The icosahedron has numerous connection points. The more links and personal connections we have to an event, the more it affects us, influencing our emotional field and energy. In such situations, the icosahedron helps us balance, detoxify, and detach from old events, enabling us to form new bonds. It can transport us to the roots of issues across space and time, allowing us to recognize the source of the problem and avoid getting entangled in symptoms. It leads back to the perfect form of water.

    Excursion: The Earth's Mary Grid: The Earth's Mary Grid has the form of an icosahedron. It connects all sources and oceans, which are in turn linked to the cosmos. Whales swim along the energy lines of the Mary Grid, singing their tones along these lines. All sources, all waters on Earth are one and contained in everything.

    In the past, sources reflected the starry sky at night. Through bathing in the water in the darkness, one could connect with specific stars.

    In their book "The Sky is Below Us," Wolfgang Thiele and Herbert Knorr demonstrate that ancient power places lie in a vast network of star floor patterns. They reflect the sky in Europe and are an indication that the sky is right among us.

    Unfortunately, churches and chapels have been built on most spring sanctuaries, preventing the stars from reflecting in the springwater's surface.

    Moreover, many springs have been walled in.

    The Marys – sacred women – were the guardians of the springs in ancient times. Even today, the Marys in churches and chapels point to ancient spring sanctuaries that align precisely with the stars and connect everything. The heavens are on Earth, and we are connected to the cosmos.

    Visualize a moment as the Christ Grid around the Earth reconnects completely with the Mary Grid in the world's oceans. THANK YOU!

  • Awakening to one's Divinity -The Divine Solfeggio Frequencies take you to a place to a deeper connection with the divine, and with yourself, allow us to unshackle ourselves from the frailties we experience in our human form. The Divine Solfeggios are tools to get beyond the physical and truly delve into our spiritual natures. For to know the divine you must know yourself to know yourself you must know the divine.

    Countless prophecies from around the world include tales of a time when an epic battle between the forces of light and dark would destroy the earth. The victorious forces, according to such tales, would be given the power to rule over a new reality. We have lived with these stories for so long that many of them are thought of as fairy tales.

    However, it is possible that contrary to popular belief, Armageddon is not a physical battle that can be fought and won on the battlefields of man; rather, it is a war that can only be won from within. The choice, then, is not decided by an unknown and vague source of power, but by you. Will you choose the service to self or service to others? Will you choose fear or love? Will you choose lack or abundance? Will you choose to recognize your own divinity and the divinity within all?

    Go forth and discover the forces of light and dark within you, and connect with your own power.

  • Venus - Being in harmony with the frequency of Venus will activate and strengthen love, self-love, sensuality and trust.

    The vibration of Venus will bring out femininity and strengthen one’s appreciation of beauty, harmony, trust and sensuality.

    Enhances the ability to receive and share.

    To have a sense of creativity and artistry.

    Life energy will be harmonized.

    All existing physical and mental ailments will be balanced.

  • Unity Consciousness - Pleiadian Solfeggio Frequencies take you to a place to a deeper connection with the divine, and with yourself, allow us to unshackle ourselves from the frailties we experience in our human form. The Divine Solfeggios are tools to get beyond the physical and truly delve into our spiritual natures. For to know the divine you must know yourself to know yourself you must know the divine.

    Understanding and activating our individual and quantum DNA is to expand the energy field and thus connect and unite to the basic core of the self.

    To be in harmony with all of creation and to be one with the creative process of the universe – To be a natural contributor to the very process of creation along with the creator. To unite the core with the Creator. To embrace and experience unity consciousness on the earth plane. To experience unity consciousness we need to develop nonlinear thinking and connect with each other through our body and heart.

    Fully accept the higher attributes of our emotions such as love, grace, understanding, acceptance and gratitude.

    Naturally awaken to the next level of consciousness and naturally awaken to the next level of consciousness.

    Open to the highest potential energy.

  • Trust Your Journey - Universal Solfeggio Frequencies assist us to step into your higher purpose and relish the opportunity to expand consciousness and joy. Reminding us to trust our inner core and nature as you experience life; get out of your body.

    Trust your journey and know you are on the right path. The right path is always open to you. Being on the right path does not mean you will not encounter hardship or loss, for these are also lessons that need to be learned. Sometimes even these can be gifts to let us know that our journey is the right one.

    Accept the changes happening to you and be happy about them. They are preparing you for success in your future experiences. No matter how hard it may feel right now, your life path won’t be complete without them. You are who you are because of all of your experiences.

  • Golden Ratio - Golden Ratio to promotes Well Being. A sense of becoming attuned to the Universe. Extinguishes negativity to cleanse your entire being and restore good health. To bring your mind and body brought back into Balance

    The Golden Ratio can be seen as a reflection of the interconnectedness of all things. It is a reminder that we are not separate from the universe around us, we are all part of a global community balance.

  • Neptune Frequency - frequency for Intuition 

    Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love; frequency associated with orbit of Neptune (Note=G#) (Color=orange) (Tempo=99,1 BPM)

    (Effects = supports intuition, the unconsciousness, and enhances the dream experience)

  • Have Faith and Trust - This frequency is here to assist the wayshowers in guiding the planet into 5D and to help all of us to adjust and to thrive in these new frequencies.

    To Have Faith and Trust in your relationship with the Higher Self, your relationship with the Divine, your connection to the universe.

    Releasing attachments to the way you think things should be.

    Quieting the voice of your ego so we can hear the voice of inner wisdom.

    Being of service to others that Spirit places in our lives in often unexpected ways. Finding Aligned Will and Courage in Surrendering to the Dao.

  • The Sacred Chalice - is located between the root and sacral chakras. It can represent the divine feminine as well as this chakra sits directly over the womb in women.

  • Connecting Twin Flames & Soul Families - 5D Solfeggio Frequencies

    These frequencies are here to assist the Wayshowers in guiding the planet into 5D and to help all of us to adjust and to thrive in these new frequencies.

    The fifth dimension is the spirit world, where our souls communicate and reunite with each other, where we are reunited with spirit. The fifth dimension is where consciousness aka higher self resides this is where we connect with our higher self and/or twin flame whether they are in 3D physical form or not. The fifth dimension is a place of peace, love, joy and unity (unity with self, with our soul families and with our twin flame)

  • Flower of Life - The Flower of Life tuning represents the origin of all things through sacred geometry. The collaboration of numbers, shapes, and vibrations belongs to the oldest myths of mankind. It is the strive to connect with our origin and to understand ourselves.

Guess there is nothing more to saY?

So if you have already a Healy or a MagHealy you can order this program here.

1.) fill in the form

2.) send the amount to my PayPal account (details below the form!)

Please send the following amount to my PayPal account:

“ schwaiger.steffi@gmx.de “


IMPORTANT: please choose the option for “family & friends” at the checkout

After receiving the amount on my account, Derek will transfer the program asap to your Healy / MagHealy. He will send matching affirmations I wrote for the program as soon the program is on your device.

If there are any troubles please connect me through: mail@stefanieschwaiger.com

(If you dont use PayPal, please let me know in the text field and I send you my bank account)